Additional BlackCell-only Battle Pass content: six BlackCell Alt Operator Skins, six BlackCell Tracer Weapon Blueprints, and two Vehicle Skins.You are free to unlock Battle Map Sectors adjacent to either starting Sector at will after BlackCell purchase. Immediate unlocking of adjacent Battle Pass Sectors to the BlackCell Sector, an alternate position on the Battle Map compared to the normal starting position.Plus, for the first time in Modern Warfare® II, a custom Parachute and Contrails (the smoke behind your Operator when the Parachute is deployed). The BlackCell Sector, which includes 1,100 COD Points, a new BlackCell Operator named Io, a Pro-Tuned Weapon Blueprint and a Finishing Move.This includes 1,400 COD Points awarded throughout the Battle Pass. Access to the full Season 04 Battle Pass and 20 Tier Skips (25 on PlayStation®).

For $29.99, BlackCell includes over 7,000 COD Points of value (based on comparable in-game store bundles):