After all, depending on your project the task list could be quite long. So, you’ll start by thinking really closely about what needs to be done. To create your chart, you need to start by laying out each of the different tasks that need to be completed within your project. But for now, we’re going to assume that you have access to Microsoft Project and go over what you need to do to create your first chart. And there are even several different ways that you can create them with different services and programs. The good news is, they’re super simple to make. So, if Gantt charts are so great, you’re going to want to know what to do about them, right? You want to know how to create one so that your entire team can get on the right track from the start. How Do You Create a Gantt Chart in Microsoft Project? You can even show how much of a task is completed and how much of the overall project is completed with this chart. That way you know (and everyone else knows) who to follow up with if a specific part of the project isn’t getting finished on time or if you’re waiting on something.

They can even be assigned to specific people or groups of people to make sure they’re getting done properly and everyone knows their job. In fact, tasks can then be created that show dependencies where one task must be completed before another. You get to create every task, set the order they need to be completed in, create an overall timeline, create milestones along the way, set up intermediate deadlines as well as start and end dates, and just about everything else you could think of.

Gantt charts are a single document that lays out each and every task that needs to be done for your project to be a success.